Thursday, August 13, 2009

Still depressed and not even fighting to get over it

These days I am getting snubbed all around. Clients, boss, parents, friends..everyone.... its not even a domino effect. More like a pattern now.. may be I am terribly bored as each conversation now sounds rehearsed....
So, I managed to crash my outlook inbox and with it went 3 years of my mails... like a memory sloshed.... they are recovered but retreiving them will not be an easy task.... May be its the cosmos... many people say that your mind is antennae, whatever you signal to the world, it comes back to you.... it could be that effect... I am only guessing and my guesses are seldom correct......

Talked to Madam X... Like suggestions....just filling up the conversation wherever required... we exchanged a few timelines.. like which years were great and which were the fat-sweaty boys in her cab who edge her out to get the window seats.....and the usual general stuff.... She quite likes the limited publicity she gets from my blog...... Hyperactive-sportswomen-music psycho-shahrukh fan ms. ratnam called up from b'lore enquiring my well being after the disastorous blog.......we exchanged notes on "Art of Living"...... her over reaction to not being allowed to consume caffeine was quite expectd given that she is a "teaholic"...... but these stray conversations have been more like passing clouds than a shower......

Somehow, I managed to pull out some mails which were dating back to the jurassic period, i mean 4 years back types..... 4 years since I started my job, 5 years since i joined my MBA, 9 years since I was out of keep going back and you keep realising the loss of innocence at every point in time....

I know I know that this is all very depressing and morose...I hate being one sorry guy, full of regret....I read alot these days...mostly short stories... I quite like them.... I think most people do... they are like a small incident in a otherwise mundane life... Doesnt have a definite start and just ends abruptly.......

I am giving myself lots of suggestions to get over this manic depressive mode that I have unfortunately switched on to.... I need a small spark to sort of ward it off... I would not have to wait perinnially for that.... I got to hang on till that happens..... This one will be short before I start blabbering more..